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Want to see some of the most beautiful photos of Panama? Follow some of my favorite Instagram accounts that capture images of the people, landscapes, and quirks of life in Panama:


I think this is my favorite Instagram account to follow. The concept is similar to Humanos de Nueva York and features the everyday people the photographer encounters in Casco Viejo. The honesty of the photos will make you smile, think, and shine some insight into into the lives of the people in Casco.

"Yo viví 42 años con la difunta esposa mía. Yo andaba bien vestidito y con ropa fina. A mi me gustaba mucho jugar billar y ella vendía chance. Yo le recibí la bota, le hice caso y me enamoré." "¿Qué es lo que más extraña de ella?" "Nada. Estuve muchos años con ella. ¡A mi mamá, sí! Yo solo pienso en ella. De todos los hijos, el más querido era yo. Yo la llevaba pa' todos lados. ¡La compañera mía está aquí *apunta a su corazón*, que es mi mamá! // "I lived 42 years with my now deceased wife. I walked around well dressed with elegant clothes. I liked to play billiards and she sold lottery. I bought a ticket, paid attention to her and fell in love." "What do you most miss about her?" "Nothing. I was with her a lot of years. But my mom, yes! I only think about her. Of all her children, I was her favorite. I would take her everywhere. My companion is here *points at his heart* and that's my mom!" #carasdecascoantiguo #humanspanama #ptyology #sonolepiccolecose #auryography

Una publicación compartida por Caras de Casco Antiguo (@carasdecascoantiguo) on


Carlos posts some very impressive street photography and you get to see a glimpse into many of the parts of Panama we don’t normally see or notice.

On the street – Casco Viejo, Panamá – photo by @carlosagrazal

Una publicación compartida por Carlos Agrazal (@carlosagrazal) on


This Instagram account posts some really great photos of the beautiful things that make Panama a special place to be.

Dios bendiga a las manos que se divierten haciendo arte en #Molas #Panamá

Una publicación compartida por Panamá de Moda ® (@panamademoda) on


A popular instagram account that posts their own photos and also reposts great photos of Panama taken by other Instagram users.


Very cool Instagram account that shows you a glimpse of what Panama used to be through posting old photos.


The photographer posts some great photos and tidbits that capture the essence of Panama.


Photos and events happening in Casco Viejo.


Sorry for all of the Casco Instagram’s! But this is another great one to follow for beautiful photos of Casco Viejo.


Reposts photos taken all over Panama.

San Blas!!! By @lalarebelo_travelblog #panama #panamagram

Una publicación compartida por PanamaGram (@panamagram) on


Fellow blogger Alice from Permanently Panama posts cool photos of her life in Panama.

Life is just. It's just SO HARD you guys. #panama #bocas #bocasdeltoro #dalepue

Una publicación compartida por Alice Stankovitch (@alicebethhh) on


Yeah I had to include my own Instagram account on this list 🙂 But I do post some great photos of the everyday things I encounter and enjoy about Panama.


What are some of your favorite Instagram accounts in Panama to follow? Leave a comment below: 

Experimenta Panamá


Soy Joey, un chico de Louisville, Kentucky que hizo las maletas y estudió en el extranjero en Panamá a la edad de 20 años y no ha regresado desde entonces. Lo que comenzó como un viaje semestral a Panamá se ha convertido en más de 10 años viviendo en América Latina y convirtiéndome en un blogger de viajes a tiempo completo. Ahora alterno entre vivir en la ciudad de Panamá, Bogotá y Lima. ¡Sígueme en Instagram @joeybonura para obtener más actualizaciones sobre mi vida en el extranjero!

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